All your Highland accessories available here

At The Sgian Dubh Company, we believe you should be able to get all the accessories for your Highland outfit in one place.

That’s why we have expanded our range to include kilt socks, ties and kilt flashes. All the finishing touches to complete your highland dress are available here.

We also have a wide range of sporrans and thong pendants available. 

Whatever the occasion, you’ll be able to get all the Highland accessories you need at the Sgian Dubh Company.



Where the Sgian Dubh Started

Sgian Dubh Co offers a lot of products nowadays, but at one point in time the business was a lot different. Where did it all change, and why? Find out by...

How to Wear/Measure for the Sporran

There is many questions about how to measure for the Sporran, or even how to wear it. It's not easy to find many answers online, so here is a guide. It is...

The Meanings of the 'Quaich'

The quaich has been a traditional item of Scotland for many years, it is embedded in our culture and history. It goes without saying that it has been around...