How to Wear/Measure for the Sporran

How to Wear/Measure for the Sporran

There is many questions about how to measure for the Sporran, or even the correct way in which to wear it. It's not easy to find many answers on the internet, so here is a guide. It is crucial to your Highland Wear, so you wouldn't want to forget it. 

Firstly, measuring for the Sporran. People say that you should go with your waistline size, however because it hangs up near the top of the kilt, you should really go with your kilt size. This is because the kilt is a bit higher up than the waistline, it would be too tight to get the chain round the hips if you went with the waist size instead of the kilt size.

Next, how to wear the Sporran properly. The chain should sit at the same area as the kilt's waistband. Make sure you've fastened the Sporran chain properly, not too loose or too tight. The Sporran should hang roughly around three fingers below the belt buckle (4-5 inches below the top of the kilt.) Check it isn't going to swing about and that it is in alignment with the rest of the kilt. 

This should help to give some clarity of sizes and appearance of the Sporran. So if you're here, then it's safe to assume you are in need of a Sporran. So check out the rest of our website, and browse our vast collection of them!







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