Order Summary

[% item.item_name %] [% item.item_sub_name %] [% item.item_name %]
[%% addition.html %%]
[% item.size %]
[%% item.item_price|multi_currency %%]
[%% item.original_price|multi_currency %%] [%% item.item_price|multi_currency %%]
[% item.quantity %]
[%% item.line_total|multi_currency %%]
[%% item.original_total|multi_currency %%] [%% item.line_total|multi_currency %%]
[% item.stock_error %]
[% discount.discount_name %] - [%% discount.discount_amount|multi_currency %%]
Sub total [%% basket.cost_subtotal|multi_currency %%]
[% errors.coupon_error %]
[% messages.coupon_success %]
[% basket.coupon_message %] -[%% basket.coupon_deduct|multi_currency %%]
[% basket.coupon_message %] -[%% basket.coupon_deduct|multi_currency %%]

[% current_delivery_name %]

[%% basket.cost_delivery|multi_currency %%] FREE

[% errors.delivery %]

Total [%% basket.cost_total|multi_currency %%]
Total in GBP
NOTE: You are required to make the payment in GBP.
£[% basket.cost_total|decimal 2 %]

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Cardholder Details
[% errors.address.billing.firstname %]
[% errors.address.billing.lastname %]
[% errors.info.email %]
[% errors.info.contact_no %]
Billing Details
[% errors.address.billing.postcode %]
[% errors.address.billing.address1 %]
[% errors.address.billing.address2 %]
[% errors.address.billing.city %]
[% errors.address.billing.country %]
[% errors.address.billing.state %]
Alternative Delivery Details (Optional)
[% errors.address.shipping.firstname %]
[% errors.address.shipping.lastname %]
[% errors.address.shipping.postcode %]
[% errors.address.shipping.address1 %]
[% errors.address.shipping.address2 %]
[% errors.address.shipping.city %]
[% errors.address.shipping.state %]
[% errors.terms %]
Please note due to Brexit, EU deliveries may have to pay taxes and duties such as customs duty and VAT. This is at the discretion of the customs authority of the receiving country and is, unfortunately, out of our control. Please consult the European Commission website for further information.
[% empty_basket_message %]